Relativity and Relationship

                                               Massonic  Meditation

                                          Colin Cookson




The natural state of rest, peace, harmonious balance, freedom absolute

The Eye of Eroz

The Erozeon Manifest 0

We the Erozeon Culture of the Indivisible, Most Ancient Order of the New


In the beginning was the word and the word was, propaganda


The problem with mankind, humanity, is, the thinker

The thinker is the catalyst and the culprit of catastrophe


The thinker is the child of thought

Thought is the child of knowledge

Knowledge is the child of memory

Memory is the child of time

Time is the child of timelessness

Timelessness is the child of silence

Silence is the child of nothing

Nothing is the child of creation

Creation is the child of Eroz


It is said that:

'Eroz was before all things were'

'The universe and its entire duration is but a twinkle in the Eye of Eroz'

We the Erozeon Culture of the Indivisible, Most Ancient Order of the New


The Erozeon Manifest 0

Equilibrium, Equilibrius, et Equilibrii

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